Closing Argument

A trial lawyer's commentary on his practice, developments in the law, and occasionally, life in general.


I hope you enjoy my blog. I am a trial attorney with offices at 100 West Monroe, Suite 1900, Chicago, Illinois. A large portion of my practice involves the representation of persons who have been injured due to auto accidents, work accidents or medical malpractice. In addition, I also also represent a select number of clients with business, commercial or employment disputes. If you wish to talk to me about a case, please contact me at my office, 312/346-3715 or email me at

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Contact me at

It's good to be back, even under another name. My previous blog was entitled "Trials and Tribulations" but due to technical difficulties, I don't want to go into, I had to create another blog.

Updates on Cases...

Most significant update is the settlement of a medical malpractice case. This was the case where the doctor became aware of a deadly condition in the client(abdominal aneurysms)but apparently elected not to disclose them to the patient(isn't the patient the only person he should be sure to tell???) In any event, the carrier finally put some money on the table and the case was settled in late December. That made for a merrier Christmas.

Getting involved in another mold case/bad faith case against an insurance company. Seems the plaintiffs had a bad water intrusion into their property in 1997 and the carrier, typically, said they "would take care of everything". Well they didn't. They didn't properly clean the property and now their is toxic mold all over the house. There may be some procedural problems in the case however...will have to wait and see.

Agreed to represent another guy whose employer didn't like the fact that he filed a worker's comp claim(i.e. got injured at work and wanted to recover). So they fired him. The employer was apparently offended this guy had the nerve to get hurt on the job. The client is a real nice guy, salt of the earth. Will file his retaliatory discharge case in a couple of weeks.

Celebrity justice news...

Scott Petersen's case was moved from Modesto. I think the judge did the right thing. I don't think he could have gotten a fair trial there. To qoute Geragos, his attorney, "Oh sure, he can get a fair trial here...then we'll take him out and hang him." He's probably better off in Los Angeles, where juries do wacky things in criminal cases, like O.J. for example.

And they are picking a jury in Martha Stewart's case. Will probably take several weeks to get the jury in place. No predictions yet about how this one will turn out.

That's it for now. Will make a sincere effort to post more regularly - don't want to disappear from the Blog list again.